SKU: 9332226002874

Valuheart Heartworm Tablets for Dogs Small Dog (up to 10kg) 6's

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Monthly heartworm prevention for dogs

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  • Valuheart Heartworm Tablets for Dogs Small Dog (up to 10kg) 6's

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  • Small Dog. Ivermectin 60 microgram.
  • Medium Dog. Ivermectin 120 microgram.
  • Large Dog. Ivermectin 240 microgram.

Dosage and Administration

The initial dose of Valuheart must be given within one month of the first exposure to mosquitoes. However, they also control heartworm infection when treatment is initiated up to four months after exposure to infected mosquitoes, provided monthly treatment is continued for at least twelve months. The final dose must be given within one month after the last exposure to mosquitoes.

Give tablets orally at the recommended minimum dose level of 6 microgram/kg bodyweight once a month, or as follows. Small dogs ≤ 10 kg. 60 microgram. Medium dogs 11 to 20 kg. 120 microgram. Large dogs 21 to 40 kg. 240 microgram. Dogs > 40 kg. Give an additional ½ tablet for each additional 20 kg of bodyweight.

Tablets may be given by adding to food, offering by hand, or by wrapping in food.

When replacing another heartworm preventive product in a heartworm disease preventive program, the first dose of Valuheart must be given within one month of the last dose of the former medication. Valuheart has a wide margin of safety for dogs of all breeds, including stud dogs, breeding bitches and puppies 6 weeks of age and older.

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